Saturday, March 12, 2016


     Hey everyone! So yes, if it is in Gods will, I will be graduating in May! This is an extremely exciting time . . .but I won't lie . . . its a sad one too . .  I mean with Christ's power, I'm ready for life's adventures but I will miss the battle ground I am presently on, a lot . . .

     The school I am currently attending, I have been a student in for four years. I love it . . . It is my God given ministry and battle ground.

     If the Lord calls me to a different place to be in for college, I know so far, this school has been one of my favorite places that the Lord called me to serve in!

     He gave me companions that I shall never forget. They have made an incredible impact in my life and they have simply given me another reason to fight for the kingdom of Heaven. I can't even describe how thankful I am to the Lord for my family that He has put me in and the ministries and friends He has blessed me with.

     Truly, my friends are my family in Christ. The hardest part about college is that the Lord may choose to close this chapter of my life with these people. On the contrary, He may choose not to.

     What I have come to realize is this, I love what I am a part of now but I only have one life here and I must go where God sends me . . .But that makes me so excited because I know first, that I will always have the strength through Him. Second, all these people that I love, I'm about to spend eternity with them  . . . so I don't want to get too board of them yet! Hahaha! Finally, I'll be alright because where ever God puts me is the best place for me.

    I will miss my high school years so much. . . but its ok because God will give me the strength to follow Him and I pray I will remain right next to Him until the end of time.

   Thank you God for my family and friends and the indescribable  blessing and gift they are . . .And to God who looks out for me, loves me, and whose got this!

I think this quote is SO true when it comes to the eternal prospective! The beauty of the friendships that Christ provides for us are SO amazing that lets just wait for eternity because there, the relationships will be perfect and we will be with Christ!
I actually forget this all the time but love is selfless so just a reminder that when you say you love a person, love them selflessly, cause that is want love is!
Thanks! God loves you!:)

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