Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Mysteries of Mermaids

           Most young ladies have a favorite Disney princess, and if you haven't figured it out yet ha-ha! Mine, is Ariel. The Little Mermaid. Now there are many reasons for this, but as I've grown older, there are more and more reasons that begin to surface.

         I have come to find that Christians, are much like Mermaids . . .
First because, well, we are different from the world. We are very different. We can't be explained and we are either questioned or amazed at by most who come in contact with us..  ( by the way, mermaids don't exist . I'm just using them as an illustration)

        Mermaids, most of the time, remain hidden. Christians are similar to mermaids in this way because, we don't desire to throw our beliefs at the world and shove Jesus in the worlds face, but rather remain mysterious and let the world question who and what we are. As Christians, we are called to mind to our own work while loving people endlessly. We most definitely make Christ's existence known but we reveal him in a soft way rather than being aggressive.

       Through Christ, we are peaceful, yet powerful. Mermaids are peaceful, yet below the sea, help govern and rule kingdoms. They are princes and princesses who aren't afraid to be noticed.

       Mermaids are beautiful and they now it but they use it to draw people to them so that a person may learn more about the kingdom that the mermaid comes from. They use their appearance not to harm but to reflect what their kingdom looks like. Christians, in the same way, reflect Christ and Heaven in the way that the person lives their life.

     I would warn you not to harm a mermaid princess. If you do, her Father would question you , whoever you are. You better not upset the King. For though the mermaid is beautiful, she is protected and powerful against you because a mermaid knows who her Father is, and she wont let you forget it. Don't touch her without permission. The same is true for Christian girls or any of Gods children. We have a protector so don't come near us. If you do you will never forget our king.

     Mermaids are powerful and we aren't afraid to admit it. Christians will walk in the strength of God and will destroy darkness through their Fathers power. We stay well hidden but at the same time, completely out in the open. We are prepared to defend ourselves through our Fathers strength but we also will always have an answer for every question we are asked.

      There have always been people out to catch and destroy us mermaids, but they will not succeed. They don't succeed cause fishermen forget, that even if we get caught in a net, or tossed on board a boat, our Father owns the sea . . . so good luck getting back to shore with us.

    Even today, Christians are being persecuted, but we will be fine if Christ is living in us because we are strong, powerful and mighty! Full of mystery and peace, care and have the ability to attract people for good. To draw others closer to the Kingdom, Our Kingdom . . .underwater and in Heaven.

    We are all powerful through him who loves us! Go mermaids!



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