Saturday, March 12, 2016

Spiritual Battle

     Because I'm graduating, there are a lot of things I'm finding that I'm going to have to give up in life because I'm moving forward.

    We have to leave the past behind us. We have to press on as warriors into the unknown life ahead. at times in life. We must leave beloved relationships and people behind. At times, we even have to leave material objects but we don't have to be afraid because we know God is walking with us into this new section of life. God knows the right way.  

   Many times, as we grow up, we must stand up silently in our minds in a crowd and we will make choices that the world will hate. This is not where we belong and planet earth is not our home. We must learn to move on, and lay things down in this life and sacrifice things for one another. This world is fading quickly and it is temporary and it is not our home. 

     The Lord can hold everything we care about. We can let it go and put it in His hands. He loves the things that we love even more than we do. 

Step out and don't be afraid because God will not fail you.

Lay down your life at his feet.

We can only defend our faith while we are still living on the earth.
That means we act now. Grab on to the Lord and we will walk into the storm together.
Peter could never walk on the water if he was never on the ocean.
We don't understand victory if we don't understand failure.

Grab onto Him. He won't fail you!

Hold up the light of Christ and let the world see Him burn and shine with His glory.

Hold it up and run with joy because He' not going to fail you!


Jesus raided our tomb, the tomb in which we were laying dead.
We have to raid other peoples tomb with the light of Christ because so many people still lay dead in their tomb.
 Submit to God and run with Him!
He won't fail.

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