Sunday, November 1, 2015

It Has Been To Long

Hey uhhhh! Its been so long!! Oh my goodness! It's senior year ( which is wonderful) and there is lots of school! Ok so yes I have a YouTube site and I love it! I'm currently checking out colleges and trying to remind myself each day that Gods got it all and I don't have to worry about anything!
Ok so lets see . . .My encouragement and push for you today  . . . First, anxiety does not have to control you! God holds our hearts and its ok! You were never created to live in fear! The Lords wings are enough to cover us! Always!
Second, we have to man up! We have to grasp who our father is! We are sent here with the power to move the heart of God! And that is only by his grace and love! He will change to course of time by our request if it is in his devine will! He controls all, we just need to ask and have faith that he can do it and leave to results up to his perfect will! 
Do you have a broken heart today? Guess what? People aren't meant to be what determines our value! Cause we are all fallen creatures in a sinful world! Of course we are completely new in Christ but we still can sin so ,therefore, still exist in a fallen place!  Its ok! You have been made new through Jesus! He died for you! We have to man up! Know who our Father is and that he hears us! 
Love you all! Have a wonderful love filled week!
Love , Ash!
P.S. I got to try on some dresses just for fun the other day and this is one that I loved!
And I have to thank one of my wonderfully sweet friends for taking the picture!
And yes, I colored my hair red!
Love you guys!


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