Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Thoughts . . .



I always get so rapped up in trying to save the world, to be the hero, to do the amazing and impossible, yet although that's great, God had one thing he wanted from me. He had one desire for me. One thing he wanted me to do. He just wanted me to surrender and give my heart to him. That's all. All I ever wanted from you, was just you, he said. its ok. Your mind might be racing with a thousand things that you have to do and how you had to get it right and perfect and always have faith cause its obvious that you always should, no! I just want you. That's all I wanted. Just your heart. You don't have to be miss perfect or save your friends or do everything right. Its ok. You are all I wanted. And listening to every voice and trying to interpret and understand everything, no! I want you to strive for excellence, but you are my child and I love you no matter what you do. I got what I wanted from you and that was your heart. Yes strive towards things and work hard you have so many gift and so far that you can go so don't waste that, but your heart is all I wanted from you my dear, and it is ok. Strive to do the best but know that you are completely enough and the very best to me already! Run after things if you choose to run, but if you do, do it knowing, that I am God in heaven and these are only things to work towards and run after here on earth. you can disappoint me but my love has never and will never run out on you my dear. this world will almost at times convince you that you will never make it, but my dear I have your heart, you are never worthless to me and my heart. Strive and run towards things but also know that you are my child whom I created and I will love you forever. Never forget who you are and where you belong and where you truly come from. Let his will be done Amen.   

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