Thursday, December 18, 2014

Being Willing to Sacrifice Things

So have you ever had to get rid of something in your life because you know its right or because you know God has called you to love him first? I have. No body like sacrificing things. When I sacrifice certain things because of what I believe, in a way, I feel like I'm putting it to death. Its so hard especially when you love that thing and you wonder how you will manage to forget it if it is around you all the time.
Its easy to say we can let things go and move on because we know its right, but honesty, its the mental part that is the battle for the next few months not the sadness in letting that thing( whatever it is) go. So much of these battle are mental and if we continue to dwell on what ever it is we lost, we will never move on.
Now there s a difference between losing some one or something because of death or losing someone or some thing because you knew it wasn't helping you in life. When its something we cant control, like a death or some one rejecting us, then of course there is room for taking time to be sad. But if we continue to dwell and be sad about things for too long, it will destroy us and others around us because we will never strive to do whatever it is God has called us to. And it would also make God sad because we are basically telling him that he isn't enough for us and that we need something or someone else back to keep us truly happy. If others or things are what truly kept us happy, then we would never be happy because things and people would and will always never be perfect and will fail us.
Laying down and sacrificing the things that are keeping us from loving and obeying God first can be a very hard thing to sacrifice. The harder it is to let it go, then the more we must have loved it.. and love isn't a bad thing, its just bad if what ever it is that we love, we love more than God. Jesus calls us to follow him completely! We must be willing to leave every thing else behind. We are human and its going to be hard but we must be willing to go with Jesus and believe that he will provide us with the  strength that we will need to follow his commands. That also includes that he will provide us with the strength to let things go for the sake of following after him first if we ask.   
So have you ever d to sacrifice anything? Something that ripped your heart out but you knew was right? Yeah I know. It makes you feel weak. You walk with a heavy heart but that's when God reminds us of things. He reminds us that our life here is nothing but a single breath. This isn't our home. There is some place greater that we belong and what happens here is only the smallest of little things compared to who God is.  And yes its hard, but once you realize how much time you have here and that you only get to make a difference in the world here once, just once, then you strive to become something much greater and better because you know that you are the last generation and you know why you are here! Yes we will break and we will bend and we will be ripped apart and we will hurt and cry and scream but  if there is any, any time to be ok with that, its now! Because God is with us we are the last generation and our world is crashing down and we may be killed one day for what we believe but if we know why we are here and for how long compared to eternity and if we find our strength only, only in Gods power . . .  he will help us survive.


We will question why, and it will make us angry and sad that those things must change . . .

We wont be sure we wanted to give it up . . .

Our hearts will be heavy, and it will be rough. We will want it to stop. All of it to end  . . .


 And it will hurt.

But, the things that we agree to lay down here, are the things that will keep us and bring us closer to God and that is a relationship that is absolutely necessary, for humans to survive . . . Without him, we are nothing  . . .


We will watch our beloved things burn, and our hearts shall ache but in the end, on the day that Jesus returns, we will be glad that we laid down the extremely short term things here on earth to help us establish a relationship that will last for all eternity with our great and extremely powerful God! 

So what about you? Is there anything you need to lay down that stands in-between you and your heart loving God first? Remember, Jesus already sacrificed so much for you to be able to have that relationship with God! He died so that you could have that so since you can connect with God now through Jesus, don't waste it! He was god and his type of laying things down and sacrifice is a type we will never have to go through because we aren't God. He already faced the worst type of sacrifice ever so whatever we have to get rid of in this life all piled all together will still never compare to what he gave. He understands sacrifice so when we have trouble, we should go to him because he will provide us with that strength and power to give things up for his sake and to follow him and his will, if we ask him! When we give things up we draw closer to him because we have a better understanding of who he is and what exactly he  really gave and how much love there really was when he came to die for us. 

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