Saturday, January 17, 2015



Sherlock Holmes. The greatest detective to ever live . . .

and completely humble!

Ha ha great! I love Sherlock Holmes! I love the books too! They are amazing! Sherlock makes you laugh and is extremely entertaining and although this show does have its references to inappropriate topics, what things in the world don't?
Here's the thing. No matter what the story, the movie, the article, the song, the show or the game, or anything, as long as there is good and bad in it, you can tie in Jesus . . .
So yes I love Sherlock Holmes, but the more I watch the series, the more opportunities I see beginning to arise that tie in God and what he has done. I completely believe in simply letting things be as they are like leaving something as just a good movie or song, but when it comes to things that I spend a decent amount viewing or promoting my love for, I strive to make it some how tie in with the story of God's Love! That makes if fun for me and to me, the show, movie, game, book, song or whatever, have so much more meaning and it helps me expand my creativity too!

( warning the following contains spoilers for the end of season 2 and beginning of season 3!)

So the lesson or I guess a resemblance to the story of Jesus that I have identified in a particular Sherlock episode is this.

Sherlock dies by jumping off a building to save his friends. Now of course this is very similar to Jesus dying for us, but that wasn't actually what hit me the most in that episode. What hit me the most was, Sherlock died and everyone saw him dead. He was bleeding and had jumped from about four stories up. He was dead. At the end of that episode though, after Sherlock was in his grave, in the ground, The camera rotates and you see him standing there, at a distance, watching John walk away from the grave.
Sherlock is alive. But how? Because he never died.

Jesus died and he didn't fake it but Sherlock did. He did fake it. Sherlock faked his death to save his friends, Jesus didn't. He really died. Sherlock later explains how he did it and it was an amazing stunt. It was extremely believable but certainly just an act. Jesus jumped over the ledge knowing he would die but trusting in God that he would raise him up again.

Sherlock is a mastermind and can identify things that no one else can and I am a fan of him mainly because of that. The ability to deduce and understand and come to conclusions in a way that almost no one else has the capability of  doing is what amazes me! What I think is extremely astounding to think about, is that fact that the author of the Sherlock Holmes books, Sir Arthur Canon Doyle, was provided with the creativity and knowledge to write these books! God is the one who gave him those gifts. So If God was able to give Sir Arthur those ideas, that means God would have to know how to deduce things as well(which of course he does)! If God is my Father and my Father knows how to give a man an idea to come up with such an extremely clever character, like Sherlock Holmes, then that makes my Father much smarter than Sherlock. Therefore, God is the greatest Detective in the world! God has a mind far beyond anything we could ever fully understand! He is the Creator of life itself and the genetics, the universe, the chemicals, the math involved, the emotions, feelings, colors, things we touch, hear, see, are all such a profound mystery! God has always known how to create life. That has never been a mystery to him.

We confront Jesus with a case we have in our lives, and even though he already knows everything, he loves to hear it from us. To hear us talking to him. Like Sherlock's clients, we tell Jesus our case. We tell him all the details and facts. Our side of the story and if we are willing to sit and listen, he will question us and challenge us to dig deeper and answer with honesty. He will question us and ask us our motives. We find rather often that after the questioning and an investigation, that perhaps we were in the wrong and we realize we made a mistake and must accept the consequences. Other times, the other person was in the wrong, so instead of seeking revenge, Sherlock (meaning Jesus in the case of thing example) reminds us that it is the Judge (God) that will be deciding and enforcing the punishment. Not us.

In the case of consequences though, Jesus already paid the price for your time in jail (for being guilty of the crime). He went and took your place in that cell for you. Now you are free and no longer guilty. What you did, he took it on as if he did it himself. That's something Sherlock would never do! Haha! He has no heart! Haha!

( It says," I've been reliably informed that I don't have a heart.) 

Sherlock Holmes is great and as far as human and fictional earthly detectives go, he remains my favorite!



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