Saturday, December 13, 2014

Flames and Fury

Have you ever been angry with someone? Have you ever hated something? Have you ever hated something so much that you wanted to destroy it and everything else around you? Yeah I get this a lot. I don't like yelling very much so when I'm upset, all the things that I'm feeling, I try to create an image for in my head to describe the way I'm feeling. As I have mentioned before, in one of my others posts, tomb raider game images help me give myself and others an idea of how I'm feeling.

Honestly, a lot of times there are things that I want to burn to the ground and destroy. When I get mad at people, instead of yelling, I tend to have mental screaming sessions.

There are times that I wish I could burn down and scorch everything I touch. Anger is wrong if while we are angry, we hurt other people or we sin. But we are human. Not to use that as an excuse but to remember, we will never be prefect until we get to heaven.

A few weekends ago, God just really spoke to my heart and reminded me who I would be without him. I am loved no matter what I do, but God doesn't want me to be left in my sinful ways.

I broke down realizing who I am or would be without Jesus spirit in me. I still remain all these sinful things with his spirit but just because we have his spirit, it doesn't mean we don't have temptations. I am still temped and I go with it a lot but his spirit provides us with a mind like Jesus and the ability to ask him to help us resist these temptations.

As I said, its easier for me to feel what I'm feeling if I see it in an image. If I don't feel like yelling, the following images are usually what come to mind. Again, I don't think it is the best way to deal with how I feel but if some one where to ask me how I felt when I get upset and mad, these would be the images that would be similar to the emotions that I feel but don't want to expressing. This is what people would probably see if I could act on my emotions. And this is what sin makes us look like. What my sin, without Jesus, would make me become . . . A hater, a killer and murderer, and a destroyer of all things that ever stood in my way




Yes, we are evil but God can make every single dark part of us clean. That's why he came and died cause we couldn't clean ourselves. The things that we would become without him are things that cannot even be discussed here. We  are darkness and evil, but never again once we accept Jesus into our hearts. He makes all things clean always.
We should strive to not continue in our sin but when we do hate and do get angry and hurt people and destroy what doesn't belong to us and burn everything we touch, we are still forgive. We must confess and say we are sorry but no sin is too big for God.
Jesus is the living water. He can put out all of our flames. Our biggest flames and our smallest flames. 
So when you go up in flames, just remember, Jesus is always there to put you out. 

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