Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Life of Sacrifice

So my family and I were watching Captain America, The Winter Soldier, this weekend. It's a great movie! I love the superhero movies because of may reasons! Oddly enough though, lately, I've been challenging myself to remember who I am as a daughter of God. I mean in the sense of remembering that when we decided to surrender and give our lives to God, that there are actually a lot of things we will have to give up. Because we are Christians, there are may things that we will have to sacrifice because of our walk with God. There are things that we will have to lay down and simply say no to because of what we believe. So while watching Captain America, some how I noticed this type of sacrifice in Black Widow. Maybe just because she is one of the only girls in that movie. See Black Widow joined the S.H.I.E.L.D Agency and in doing that, she surrender herself to her Boss, I guess, Nick Fury and she must follow his orders. She cannot go live any way she wants to. She can't be in relationships. She can't go roam around the pubic without being smothered in a crowd of people. She can't be a normal human being. That's not who she is. She has given herself to the Agency and although she loves it, it causes her to be no longer normal or at lease not accepted as normal. This Agency and this team of others like her, is who she is now.
As a Christian girl, there are a lot of things that I have to sacrifice because of what I believe. There are a lot of things in this world that encourage me in that walk though! The walk of the commitment I made to God, that I will chase after him and will not put up with other things that he doesn't want his daughter to do.
Black Widow reminds me that we are in a war. For me as a girl, Black Widow is a model of a girl who may not be exactly where she wants to be and may not have the best of everything but will always commit to doing every part of her job well and to the best of her ability. I mean look at her! She's awesome!

It's easy to get carried away in everything that goes around you. It is easy to slack and not stick to your convictions, especially when no one else around you agrees. As Christians we will sacrifice everything for Christ. We will be out of place. IT will not be easy but we must be willing to sacrifice everything for God. Unlike in Black Widows case, we have someone that we serve that already gave everything he had for us. Now let's give it back. We know what he has called us to. This calling is not easy. It's a narrow gate and only few will enter. We stay with it no matter what. In fact we cant stay on that path without God's help. It's impossible without him. That's how extremely intense this Christian walk and path is!! I want to be like Black widow and stick with my job no matter how much I sacrifice or lose or lay down. You give it all up for the cause. And you lay everything you do down before Jesus. And you strive to do the one thing he sent you here for. To love and glorify him. You may be just a normal person but if you are following Jesus, you are a part of the biggest war that was ever or ever be fought until the final war. You surrender yourself to God and follow him with everything you are. With every part of your life. This is your run of life with God. Run it in joy, trust, and total surrender to his will until the end! 

Give God everything you are and you stay on your path because he promises to keep us strong always until the end. The end of everything.

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