Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thoughts On The End Times

One fact about the end times, is that we are already in it. What do I mean by end times? I mean the last few years that I believe are the years before the return of Christ. I do believe that Jesus could return at any moment but I also know that along with that, he gives us a list of certain types of signs that he will send before his return to get us. He gives us these signs as a reminder that he is returning and also to encourage us to keep pressing on towards the goal and strive to be more like him.

Personally, I love studying, reading, and hearing stories about the coming of Christ. I love watching the evidence slowly unfold and continue to prove God's existence. I enjoy the fact that God has gifted me the privilege of being apart of something so much greater than I am. I don't mean to make this sound like I want to see anybody get hurt but I have always loved huge storms and flood warnings and fires and lightning and extremely loud noises. I love the excitement it produces in everyone and that feeling that you get when you know something extravagant is about to happen but you don't have any control. I just enjoy that excitement of not knowing how I'm going to beat an obstacle yet having the confidence that I will find a way.
Jesus second coming always excites me. For me I know as a Christian, that I may be taken directly up to Heaven or I may go through the Tribulation but either way, I know where I'm going in the end. I recognize the fact that there could come a day, in the very near future, where my family will not be allowed to buy food because we wont(hopefully) have the microchip. Basically, I'm saying that after a time, Christian could eventually be starved to death. So this leads to a question then. Would we as Christians be willing to follow God all the way, even if it means we can't buy the food, clothes, toiletries, buy more gas to go visit people? Could or would, we do and put up with all that just for the sake of believing and following Jesus? If it came to that point, would you slowly starve to death and die for Jesus just as he did for you? To be honest I'm not sure how much I'd e able to take.
What about this same idea but on a level that didn't involve dying? Like speaking to others about Jesus? Well first, do you believe in Jesus? And second, do you believe he's coming back for you and other people? You have to know what you think about these things before you can do anything else. See if you don't believe God is real, then what purpose would you have in spreading the good news? Maybe you don't believe God is going to be returning for another thousand years, then what in the world would motivate you do it if you feel there is no rush in talking to anybody. There are may reasons for why you should talk to people when ever you get a chance but that's another topic. Here is the point though, God IS returning, and we don't know when exactly, but he is. He states in the book of Matthew that "you will see great signs and when you see those signs, raise your head for your redemption is drawing near."
Jesus is right at the door. He's here. He's ready. That's all I can feel. Christian can just feel it. It's coming. I always get this image, of a tiny little earth and it's slowly rolling closer and closer to the edge of a drop off of this cliff and this little earth is on the very tip and it's just about to roll off the side of this cliff into an endless pit. I can just feel it slowly rocking back and forth before it goes.
I think a lot of Christians can feel it if they really look at the world and what's going on. It came be hard to open our hearts to admit to the fact that the world and everything in it is dying. We are dying, on the inside. Sometimes I feel like I slowly get weaker and weaker everyday in doing Gods work. its hard but when we know that our redemption draws near, all God makes me motivated to do is to get to know him better and to love others because I'm going to die soon and leave and pass away from this earth. We all will eventually. Our earth is dying and everything in the world is going directly down into a dark and depressing pit. This is why our hope is in God because as our world falls Jesus will come save us and snatch us out of it. If you hold still, you can feel the ground almost quake under the weight of all the sadness and depressing it holds on the surface. It says in the bible, "even the earth cries out for its maker to come back and to redeem it, to bring it back into its original glory."
Even for those who don't believe in a God, I think that we can all agree that our earth, our government, and all the people in the world, are all going down hill and becoming more and more sad and corrupt. So my question I guess would be, even if you don't believe in a God, how much longer would you want to be apart of this earth anyways? If our earth is so extremely corrupted now, where will the people of earth be 1000 years from now? Sometimes we don't even want to think about that. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone was dead because there was so much hate that we killed each other and destroyed and completely got rid of the human race. The earth would eventually explode and everything that ever was, would be no more. And everything we humans would have ever done to bring joy into our lives, would be all completely selfish and not only that but everything you ever scarified or when through, would be for nothing. A smile on your face that would eventually go away and you would have probably gotten that smile, first because you were being selfish and second because you knew you would only be here for a short time so you might as well enjoy it. But how long do you truly think you would be willing to purse things and try to do things to make your self smile if you truly knew that ultimately, your life was purposeless?
I use to believe God wasn't real and during that time, I had no motivation to do anything because my life was purposeless. I know how it feels to feel purposeless. But God being real is something he has to reveal to each of us individually, in a way we will understand.
Jesus is coming back soon. That is an absolute fact. We only have a little bit of time. So what are you going to do with your life? You still have time but at any moment the earth will give way and fire will rain from the sky and the earth will die and the world will be a big giant ball of chaos. The clouds are about to release the never ending rain. Are you ready for some excitement that this world has never seen?  And this should not be a surprise to us. God tells us of what is to come. And this is what is going to come, destruction and explosions far beyond and thing we have ever comprehend or seen an or redemption, where we will be saved and Jesus will make everything right and this destruction will finally reach its ultimate end. Are you completely ready? Gods got you always, always. You are in his hands and he will never let you go, no matter what world happened here. God's always got you!
Are world is dying. Are you ready? Do you know what is to come? No one knows exactly, not even Jesus knows when God is going to come to redeem us but we must know what to expect and what we must be willing to go through as Christians in order to follow Christ. The ground beneath you will soon be destroyed and go away forever, but Gods hand is always there and will never leave, ever.  
So who do you have faith in today? Well just in case its not Jesus, I just want you to know that he never left you. I just think he's waiting for you to truly realize that as humans, we are helpless without him. We need him now. I know I do. He's here for you. He just wants you to want him in all parts of you life. Not just to demand things from him. He's coming back for you. I think that that's proof that he cares!

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