Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Fathers Love

God. A King. A Rock. Creator of all, with the sweetest spirit yet can rain down fire and command lighting bolts to cover the entire earth with one word.

God. The mightiest and strongest warrior of all. It's more than an image can hold or a human heart can ever understand.

His power is uncomprehendable. As I said, his power cannot be placed in a photograph. Well will never be truly able to understand his love and power until we meet him. And still even then maybe not . . . 

This painting below is a painting by a young girl from many years back. She has visions from heaven then paints them. Well, on the other side of the world, a little three year old went to Heaven and then came back. His father showed him many pictures of Jesus to see if any of them matched the Jesus he claimed to see in heaven. None of them were much like the Jesus he saw, until one. The Father of the three year old showed him the image below and the little boy recognized him right way and he said,
"Yes, that's him! That's Jesus!"

Jesus is much grander than we will understand here. Something that I have forgetting lately though, is the fact that Jesus is a father. He loves to comfort and love. I think when we think about God all we tend to think about is the power and the grandness and although those things are extremely true, he loves so much. He is a Father that always protects. Why? because we are weak and he is the loving father and he will always protect us because he is strong. He will tell us to get behind him. Even though he's the strongest thing that ever was, he will command evil spirits away from you out of the strongest of love. He is a monster yet a shoulder to cry on. We should fear the LORD yet he will wipe a nation out of your way because he loves you. He wants to travel with us though it all. Everything in life, he wants to walk with us. 


Jesus is here for you always. He always has been and always will be.

He will do anything for you. He died for you. He's done all a person can do to try to claim another. Yet also in his great love he respects the choice of those who turn from him. He will let his children go and make their own choice and he wont stop them because he loves them.

This is the greatest commandment because it's the one that fulfills us." Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all ,your mind, and with all your .strength." Mark 12:30.
He is the Father and he is always there for you! And he loves you!

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