Friday, October 24, 2014

Who Are We Meant To Be?

I found this poster. I totally agree. Lara Croft is awesome yet at the same time, everything I pray that I will never become.
Even though I'm not completely clear on the author's intent, I like it.
Lara is a stubborn young girl who doesn't listen to advice or wisdom. She is determined to become a world conqueror all alone. She rushes into things without thinking and surrenders and truly obeys no one.
She is her own leader. She is quick to gain her fame and those who brought her up and were all she once had, are soon forgotten in the dust of her sweet victories of life.  
You see this in her face. She is here to destroy. Destroy all who get in her way. In her way of the prize. And what is that prize?
You know. I know you are aware because you are human too, just like me. It is the aching desire to stand on top. To feel . . .somehow complete.
Deep down you cry in pain and you ache. Where are the answers? Why am I here? Is there a God? Well is there? If he is and if he cares then he should care enough about me to come and get me!!
(This says," YOU'RE REALLY HERE AND YOU'RE REALLY NEARLY DEAD" it's kind of hard to see)

This is really true though. Have you ever felt dead before? You just simple don't care anymore. You are just kind of there . . . Just wasting away.  You are here but you are practically, dead.

This is the feeling you get when you lose God, when you loose sight of who you truly are.

All is lost. Even you. Mainly you. Everything is bearable. But just bearable.

 My point? Lose your self kid. It's ok. Really, I promise. If you are lost, the one that truly loves you will find you. Search for you. Seek you out. And you don't have to go with him he's just going to find you only to tell you something, one simple thing.

"I'm here if you are ready. I've always been here. And if it seemed that I've backed away, it was simply because I wanted to see if you wanted me. Me in your life. Do you? I never left. I just simply backed away a bit, into the back to see if you want me. If you were ever  in danger, I would be the first one to save you and I backed away because I wanted you to realize, you can't do this without me. You were never meant to. I created you to be fully dependent on me for your joy and fulfillment. You can survive for a few seconds without me, then shall perish forever."

It's ok. We have to lose ourselves! Jesus says this even in scripture. He says if we are going to follow him we must deny ourselves and follow him! To offer our bodies as living sacrifices. To choose this day who we will serve! Ourselves or God. This is why I love this picture below because it reminds me, when we lose hope in everything, we find a truth. The truth that we are not created to do this on our own. And it is truly revealed to me and to all of us what we must become. Well maybe not as much what we must become but more what we must admit to. We must realize, we are nothing but beautiful creations saved from our own mistakes by an extremely gracious King. Our true father, God. We must become those who surrender to their all loving Father and King, God. 


                It's ok to freefall. Lose yourself and when all seems lost, I promise, you will find a truly lasting truth and know what you must become.

( it says, "We become who we are meant to be") And we are meant to be his! Our loving Fathers truly freely accepted children!

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