Saturday, September 13, 2014


Ok so if you read my "About Me" section, then you probably noticed that I REALLY like the videogame TOMB RAIDER! yes I do! I love the main character Lara Croft but not just for the cool story of the game or what she represents but for a reason that effects me on a much deeper level. A little background on her is, she is an only child and daughter of her parents who are millionaires and world famous archeologists. By the time Lara was a teen, both her parents had either died in a crash or gotten lost on an expedition. She inherited millions but still never felt fulfilled so she took up her parents career as an archeologist. She boarded a ship called the" Endurance" and headed off with a crew to an island far away. As they were approaching, a giant storm came and destroyed their ship and Lara and the crew mad their way to the island separately. As Lara climbed to shore, she called for help but before she could get anywhere, she was struck in the head by a strange being who lived on the island.
Lara goes through trial after trial trying to escape the people of the island and reach the rest of the
crew, that is if anyone is still left.

This game produced images for me of every emotion I ever felt but never knew how to safely express. Fear...
Anger and Hate:


Pain and Tears:


So you are probably wondering why I'm writing about this. Well after viewing other blogs and just living in a world where people tend to only share the good things about their lives, I decided that if I'm going to have a blog, I want to share the cool things and the sad and depressing things. Why? Because I think that when we express and share the negative things, we may be surprised who else we may know that can relate! Other people don't always feel the same way we do but when this is the case, we should rejoice because God created it so that when we are weak, others are still strong.
So since Lara Croft has such a large impact on my life, I decided that if  she was going to define so much of what I feel and who I am, I have to make her a positive impact. I set out on a task to recreate the image I have of Lara Croft and this is what I came up with... 
Surrender all you are to God:  


                                                Bow and worship no one but him:

And have faith that God will always be with you
and give you his power to resist evil until the end if you ask:
Croft displays a girls power and abilities to stand on her own, but believe me, I tried to be my own hero. I tried to do this and stand against the world and Satan without God. I have a desire in my heart to be a hero and to stand up to evil. I thought that God would force me to not be allowed to be that hero or to stand up to evil but what I found was that everything I did, was out of selfishness and trying to raise myself up as a world changer. It never felt right though. I would go into the present of God and only be thinking about myself and how awesome I was and not God. I had lost track of who he was and that is when I knew this had to be wrong.
I told God I wanted to make things right and I decided to surrender all that I wanted to become and I said that I wanted to try this again but for God to please not take away my chance to fight.
Man, if I thought that God was going to make battles and spiritual warfare boring, I was COMPLETELY wrong. When you surrender everything to God, that includes your life and you trust in his deliverance and existence with everything you are.
Some events happened which caused me to see some major faults that I have and so in order to change those things, I had to change everything about the sinful nature I had always lived and knew.  
I am in the middle of a serious test of faith. I prayed an impossible prayer, but a prayer that I am certain God wanted to get to the point of me praying. This prayer includes something inside of me, a part of my human nature that ONLY God can change. I am counting on him to change and help me soon or else I feel I will be destroyed from the inside out.
I know God can do the impossible so I guess it all just depends on his timing now=D
We are never alone in anything and for those of you who may feel like me, wanting to be the hero of your story, the GREATEST battles are the ones that we can't change anything about but simply have faith in the ONLY one that can. It is the ultimate test of our strength in patients and in faith.=D And God is SO MUCH more powerful than we can ever imagine and will do things that had never even crossed our minds! 
    You stand in the rain.

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