Monday, September 15, 2014

God is True Love

You know, love is something everyone is always talking about. People say " I love you" all the time and we see symbols of love everywhere, but the thing about love is that, if its apparently everywhere, why do so many people that still feel alone and uncared for and rejected?

First, there are some people who just simply believe they can never be loved. They believe this in two ways: one, that they are only loved and accepted by other people because those around them feel the obligation to love you or second, you feel you will never be accepted by anyone(in the attractiveness sense) because you never feel beautiful or you will never be good enough for yourself or anyone else.

Well being a little person, sometimes its hard to be surrounded by tons of beautiful other girls my age and think that any guys that were there would also admire me. It can be hard when the entire world is taller than you and you know that when you dance and talk with people you can't always look them in the eyes because things feel so much taller than you.

But here is the thing, the question. Why are we here on earth? Why did God create us and what for?
God created us for multiple reasons and I don't clearly understand or know them all but what I do know, is that no matter the reasons, God loves us. God created our purpose here on earth to be to meet God and chose whether or not we want to follow him. If we chose to follow him, then our purpose also becomes to love others and to have joy and thankfulness as we adore him and thank him for his beautiful creation and earth we live on. God also meant for us to commit an act of surrender as well. See this is the part I struggle with though because it's just so hard sometimes to give every choice you make in life, to a God you can't physically see. I'm always thinking what if I'm in a situation and so I pray and ask God for help but don't hear anything, what will I do then? Where is God?

Here is the thing. If we surrender to God, he will not leave you hanging alone if you tell him you desire to follow him and his will for you. And a lot of times when we can't hear him, sometimes its because we don't want to hear what he's saying. So if it's not what we want, we pretty much just ignore it and figure that that response wasn't from God.

So what does all this have to do with love or a God of true love? Well, God has just really been reveling to me lately, the importance of true love. So what is true love? Well love is something that we as humans will never fully understand until we get to heaven and maybe not even once we get there but love is an action and a choice, a decision and a commitment no matter what. And of course there is such a thing as protecting yourself but I'm talking about loving people that we know are people that are safe to love. Love comes from God because God IS love, so when God says that when we love each other we will see God, this is what he means because God basically, in the form of love, will be seen in other people. 

Love is a selfless act. It is where we care more about how the other person is effected by something more than ourselves. We want the best for them, whether is us helping them get there or not. This is the hard part for me because as a human, if I help someone, I hope for some kind of reward, which leads me to the main purpose of this post: God is true love so therefore if we don't have Him inside us, it is impossible to love. Now you may say that you know some really nice people that aren't Christians but they show great love, I'm not saying at all that their love and kindness towards you is a fake or anything, because guess what? Christians love others with something we just call love too, its not the true type of love that God gives and has for us. Humans can only go so far with their levels of love because we are human, all of us. When we love each other, it is the smallest, tiniest glimmer of the amazing and bright blazing love that God has for us. This is why God calls us to love each other, because if God never asked us to show love, then no one would ever see any of the brotherly loving side of God.

So what is something that is true? Ha ha well it's something that is not false. Its real, there, and living now. Love is a choice we have to make with people. We have to choose to love them and by love I mean, want what's best for them even if it means you step out of their life completely or tell them something that may cause them to hate you the rest of their lives. Love is when you put the other persons feelings first and push past what it may cause do to you and your life. Now since we are humans, this is impossible but with God anything is possible. He made the human emotions and the heart and don't ever forget that some of Gods beloved creations will go to Hell one day because they didn't accept and love God back. God knows what lose and pain and losing a child or someone you love is. He knows. Don't worry.

God has laid on my heart, to remember why I'm here. I'm here to meet and fall in love and follow God and to love others with the love that we ask him to place in our hearts. In my opinion, some how, when you view it that way, what guys think of you seems to fade far into the background. A good reputation for yourself is good and important but remember God will never ask us or make us do something that isn't a wise, kind, loving, and a beautiful idea!  

Ask for him to fill you with his true love for the world and everyone that you have around you today and forever!

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