Friday, September 12, 2014

The Dance Tomorrow

            Hi! I'm so excited to be starting my own blog! I'm super excited because I'm going to my first high school dance tomorrow (now that I'm in 11th grade ha ha)!
A couple thoughts I have about  going to this dance tomorrow: First, this is my first dance ever without my dad going so that makes it a little strange. My dad has always been my "date" to things like this so I will miss him but I will still have tons of fun I'm sure! Second, I'm going into this dance trying to imagine if this sort of joy and excitement that I will be feeling will be anything like it will be in Heaven. All God's children dancing together all in love with God and loving one another in perfect unity! I honestly can't wait for the day we go to Heaven. In that moment when we return to Heaven, everything will be set right forever. I can't wait to get to spend all of tomorrow night dancing the night away with my best friends!

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