Friday, September 26, 2014


Isn't it wonderful that God created us to laugh and smile and just be rather silly sometimes?
This is the day the Lord has made so we should rejoice and be glad in it!
Why should we rejoice? In God's Word, he says that there is a time for every activity under the sun. There is a time to weep and there is a time to laugh. There is a time to mourn and a time to dance. There is a time to scatter stones and a time to collect them and, there is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. A time to be born and a time for a man to die. A time to be silent and a time to speak.

As you look around today, remember that the reason God designed the sunrise and the sunset was just to make you smile. He wants you to know that He is thinking about you and that you are on His mind.

Emotions are not something God is oblivious to. God knows we can feel sad sometimes so if you are feeling sad, it is ok to feel that way for a little while. If you are feeling mad, be mad for a little while. God created space and time for all things, so if you feel joy, sadness or anger, its ok! Feel your feelings, but just be wise about it. God has everything in control.

Find some friends and remind them how much they mean to you! Take some time to value the relationships in your life and spend some time in laughter! 
Don't be afraid to try new things every once in a while and laugh at yourself a bit! Dance, and if you are super adventurous, try dancing in the rain! Take a stab at a new crazy hair style or put on a brand new outfit! Try something new!

Do you ever feel like you are the only person around you who is having a bad day? It's ok! Please just remember, you are human. Everyone has emotions, some people just choose not to show them as often. Just remember, the fact that you know you are sad, reveals that you have once been happy. Remember, shadows are only produced when a big bright beautiful light is shining and smiling behind an object and in your life, your object represents whatever trial you are going through in life.  Remember, that for those who love God, I promise you, you will smile again one day!
That by its self is a reason to smile!

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