Friday, November 24, 2017

November 2017 Update

The last few weeks have been insane. I guess the best place to start is by saying that yes, my college is closing in May of 2018 but that's ok.

It wasn't easy when we first heard the news but it has been a little over three weeks. The reason I say it is ok is because I know that God will continue to work in us no matter where we are.
It wasn't until our schools announcement was made, that I actually started to confess to God a lot of things that I don't think I would have confessed as quickly otherwise. I need to make it clear that through His goodness, God slowly began to pry out of my soul things that I never wanted to confess verbally to Him or to myself. I had a lot of lies that I was believing deep down inside of my soul.
It is true that only God can gently pull our deepest darkest secrets out of inside of us. He is so good.
I am so sorry I have not been as dedicated to this blog as I want to be. I did get an instagram recently though so if you want to follow me there, you can. (Username: ashleysrocha98)
In many ways, it took my school closing to allow me to get real with God, because now I am faced with the decision of choosing where I should go for college all over again. That decision is part of what triggered the multiple following conversations I had with God. I've been praying a lot and I'm not really sure what I will do for my junior year but God showed me I could trust him when he brought me to a college 2000 miles away from home, so I guess I should probably trust him again hu? Just for clarification, I will be in Spokane next semester (January 2018- May 2018) to finish out my sophomore year but after that, the Moody Spokane campus is closed. The Aviation branch will remain open thankfully! 
Thank you for reading this! I really appreciate it! Love you guys!
Love, Ash

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