Friday, September 29, 2017

Moody Mosaic News Article: Female Independence

Hi everyone! This semester in college, I began writing for the school news paper! Below is the article I wrote for our first issue that was released on Wednesday!
Our news paper has been being published here at Moody for a few years now. I am so privileged to work with such an amazing team of people! There are nine of us on our team! We release our next issue at the end of next month!
Here are some pictures of our news paper!
Also, the option of accessing it online will be available soon! Thank you for all your support!


Here is one of the two articles I wrote:
Today in the world, women have become more and more independent of men. One of the greatest causes of this is often because women fear that men will restrain them from potential leadership opportunities. For the most part, in the Bible, God designed men to be the leaders and woman to be the helpers and the followers. Because some women fear men ruling over them, and have often been participants in abusive relationships, and historically have suffered a long period of being unfairly treated, some women are now stepping out and starting their own organizations and ministries. Many women, fortunately, have had wonderful relationships with the men in their lives, but they expand their horizon simply because they want to do great things in life.  
Women have been making their statements in parades and rallies. They are now capable of providing for themselves and their families and that they deserve higher leadership roles in businesses. Evidence of this movement is revealed in many films in theaters today, as women are now given the lead roles as heroines.
Believers have had many debates over how we should view this rise of female self-reliance, Biblically, is there really a problem with women growing in their independence? The Bible says Deborah led an army of men straight into battle. Miriam, Moses’s sister, also had authority over many of the Israelite women during the Exodus. In the movie production realm, Wonder Woman, and Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, are icons that represent the feminist movement. As believers, how should we feel if women all around the globe begin taking on leadership positions everywhere?
It is the believer's responsibility to understand God’s perspective of this female independence issue. Additionally, it is a Christian's job, as Christ's ambassadors, to handle these dilemmas in an appropriate manner. Should Christians encourage female independence?   


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