Tuesday, April 18, 2017

College Pictures

Yay! I finally have these up! My first semester there were nine girls living in our house but now there are only seven of us! I will split the pictures up by semester:)
Semester #1:
This was Thanksgiving Day! Our whole house!
Back row staring on the left: Noelle, Brianna, Shatara, Katelynn, and Sarah, Front row Left to right: Me, Kate, Savanna (the RA) and Victoria

Pumpkin patch with some friends!

My roommate and I before a Christmas Eve service that the school presented!

  Pumpkin patch again with my roommate!!

This was our first day all together in August!!!
Left to right: Katelynn, Shatara, Brianna, Kate, and Victoria

 Ummmm we were taking pictures right before class started.  .  .

  My roommate and I on the first day!!

 Another Thanksgiving Day picture!!
Semester #2:
My roommate and I had our last night together before she left to go live and work with a mission organization! This was the night I got back from Christmas break and her and I drank hot chocolate together that my mom sent along for us!  
Just a random picture from a few days ago!!!

 Cool view from the airplane!!!


Me on Valentines Day!!!!!


  Victoria and Sarah!!!

 Left to right: Sarah, Savanna, Brianna, Victoria

There were cookies that students could decorate in the main office on Valentines Day!
The one on the plate is mine!

    These are all Valentines Day pictures!!! So fun!!!

 Another random picture from right before class!!
These were taken on Easter! Sarah took them for us!! There I am with one of my housemates Katelynn!!




Thanks! I'm sure much more it yet to come!

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