Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Last of Us

Personally, I love life! I love it because each day is new, bright and beautiful! Even the birds rejoice as the sun rises each morning! The trees wave back and forth as they raise their branches to the Heavens to acknowledge the greatness and grandness of the Father in Heaven! Each day, when we recognize and realize the length of this life and how short it truly is, all we want to do is run with God. We want to do our God given duty and do it to the best of our own ability! We remember how short it is and with our time here being so short, we are encouraged to keep on fighting the good fight even until the end! Along with all of this joy though, there is something that I believe Christians, well really all people of the world need to be preparing for, and that is the tribulation. I do not know when Jesus is returning, whether before, during or after this horrendous time that is prophesied, but either way, Christians need to be aware of what trials in the world we might be partaking in. If our Father does return for us before these terrible times, then we will praise Him but if He has us live through them, we must be ready for what is to come, to stand for our faith and to remember, that the Father promises Heaven to those who remain in Him and the ones that He remains in.
It is important to not think that all things in life should now revolve around the possibility of being in the tribulation and preparing for it but at the same time, we must not discard this idea. The idea that we, ourselves could personally be involved in things that we only read about in stories and novels. We are called to be aware of the times and to keep watch and so I encourage you, read Revelation when you can because the tribulation is in the near future. The future is being written out for us to read and we need to be aware of what is to come whether we will be personally experiencing it or not.
 Not all things that are said in the book of Revelation are meant to be taken literally and then some are. I am titling this, " The last of Us" because of a video game that had some images that came to my mind while I was writing this. Here they are.






We must remember that even though many crazy things will happen in the future, all things happen for a reason and all things, happen to bring those that are meant to come to Christ, to Christ, and they  happen to bring those certain people closer to Him.
"Look, I am coming soon!" Revelation 22:7
" Look, I am coming soon. My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done." Revelation 22:12
"Yes, I am coming soon." Revelation 22:20

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