Saturday, March 21, 2015


(The two paragraphs following, are things that I felt while viewing this Lara Croft image)

 You are nothing without God. He saved you and without him you die. He is everything you will ever need. God saved you from eternal everything( eternal everything meaning eternal chaos in Hell). Everything you are, every power you will ever posses is from Him. Alone, you will die. If you walk alone, you are darkness fighting darkness. Satan wants you dead. You stand strong as if you are able to fight but choosing to go alone will only make you look like a fool. Survival is simple, its surrender. Surrender all to God and he will give you everything you will ever need. It is complete and total surrender. Croft(Croft meaning Lara Croft, the girl in the image) believes she can do it on her own, but she is only a figure of what we can never be. A powerful hero. You cant fight evil if you have evil inside of you. True beauty is in surrender. Admitting you are not strong enough.
The weapons we carry we only carry because they are God's gifts to us, and He's asking us to use them. For these weapons are not meant for a physical appearance of strength, but to be used against the enemy. That is all. The only way one can be in right with God, is to surrender and admit that he is wrong. To pour himself out and ask God alone to fill him. Alone, man is dead. God alone is the only source of power and life left or that has ever been in the world. With strength in her eyes, she only looks in awe and shock at the amazing gifts that have been presented to her. Her stance is a stance of honor. God has blessed her in unimaginable ways and graciously provided her with gifts, therefore, she will take them knowing that her only power is found in God. Alone, she is dead. Satan wants her dead. She decides to hand her weapons to God. The battle is only for her to learn to trust in God. She takes a stand knowing that she will not allow herself to ever follow the ways of the world. Satan wants her dead but she will not allow herself to stray. Why? because he knows her purpose, and the world will never stop pulling at her but that is why without God everything is dead. You were sent to the world to be empowered by God. Lara Croft represents a woman who became a warrior only by the grace of God caring enough to make her His own.
I called this post Peace because if we ask God to fight our battles, then we are at peace. Gods got us and . . . phew!, its ok! I actually wrote this description about this image on 9/28/14! Just thought I'd post it! Thanks for reading! and . . .

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