Monday, February 16, 2015

Our Purpose

It is so easy to get caught up in the world. To get caught up in who it calls us to be and how we should live. As Christians, it can be just as hard, if not harder. We think we have to live some perfect way and that everything should always make since and that life will be clear and its meaning. We get this idea that when ever we pray or read the bible, things will always make since, but they don't! We get so stressed in feeling we heard God wrong or that we didn't understand him or that we didn't hear him at all! We get stressed in feeling that we had to get to bible time or should keep reading another chapter and another and we feel like maybe we will miss out on something big if we don't keep reading. I feel this way. I don't know about you. At the end of your," suppose to be time with God" session, you just feel more stressed and that you have places to be, things to do, and so little time to do all those things that day! We feel like we have to be out there, up there, being able to handle things and be able to find the strength in our own lives but God never intended for this. He is our strength and we were never meant to take on life alone.
I asked God yesterday, how can I be sure I wont fall away from you? In the Bible it says that many people, even the strongest Christians can and will turn away from God. I admitted I was honestly afraid of that being me. I was afraid of becoming selfish and wanting to do all the fighting on my own, to be my own hero because that is who I am. I love being pushed to the limits for the things that I believe and God has been revealing to me how he plans to use those passions and that drive in my life, but for now, how do I know that I wont fall away? God stopped me right there and he said," you weren't ever meant to do this on your own. To live your life on your own, on your strength. Your task is simple, fear me and only me because I am the only thing you will ever fear and you need to live your life for me and seek my commands." He said," For seek first his kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well." That's in the book of Matthew I believe. I also felt called again to a verse I found in Ecclesiastes. It states," Now this is the conclusion of the matter, fear God and obey his commands, this is the full duty of man." God told me that all I need to do is seek him first and everything else will fall into place and that I shouldn't fear. The only thing is should ever fear is God.
 Its simple but its not always easy. We just need to take every day to simply love God more and His greatness and obey his commands and have our minds set on heaven and how our lives will effect things there. We need to be seeking out His Kingdom. Our lives are so many things but we are also a vessel that God chooses to use to impact the world. We just have to let him use us. We re not our own and we are called to die to ourselves and go to God and surrender ourselves for his purpose everyday. If we truly let the spirit of God direct our every moment of everyday, this world can be a profound place.
A few different images come to mind when I share these things so here they are. They all mean different things and represent different emotions. I guess some are idea of surrender and others ideas of trying to do things on your own.





( oh by the way, I took that picture!)
Hey if anyone ever has thoughts, comments, or question about anything, just let me know!

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